Friday, March 26, 2010

I Know but...

You hope
I would have
learnt my lesson
by now
I know
I should have
learnt my lesson
by now
To reach out
to yoooooooou
I need to speak out
You are so far
so far from
my inner voice
you are so near
so far away
And all I wanted
was some sunshine
and all the time
all I needed
was youuuuuuuu
all I needed
your touch
all I needed
was youuuuuuuu
I wish
I would have
learnt my lesson
by now
I wish
I could have
learnt my lesson
by now
was that a sign
I should have
was there a sign
I could have
And all I wanted
was some rain
And all the time
All I needed
was yooooooooooou
All I needed
your hand in my hands
All I needed
was youuuuuuuuuu
You thought
I would have
learnt my lesson
by now
I hope
I should have
learnt my lesson
by now
oh! nooooo
I did not
where did I lack
where it went all
All I wanted
was to hum a song
And All the time
All I needed
was yooooooooooou
All I needed
a walk along side you
All I needed
was youuuuuuuuuu
You wish
I would have
learnt my lesson
by now
You wish
I could have
learnt my lesson
by now
but noooooo
Why I not understand
Why did I
All I wanted
was a rainbow
And All the time
All I needed
was youuuuuuuuuuu
All I needed
your arms around me
All I needed
was youuuuuuuuu
You hope
I would have
learnt my lesson
by now
I know
I should have
learnt my lesson
by now

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Rise & Fall

Rise and fall
as if
at a toss of a coin
a step there
a step here
and there again
fortunes change
dancing at the beats
beats of life
A Man goes through
like a river it flows
heating this bank
or that one
over there
it hits
churning and
turning a lot
the wheels of
machines of
now and then
thrown into
a company of few
few old ones
rest new
else mostly lives on
lives on all alone
craving for more
& some more
more than before
far more than more
never less than before
the greed goes on
and creeps in
the fear
fear of losing all
fear of losing some
fear of being not known
fear of being forgotten
fear of dying alone
fear of living alone
in fear
left alone
stops the flow
flow of life
too late
too enjoy that moment
too be with that loved one
too smell that flower of love
too share that last candy
its too late

Saturday, March 20, 2010


Lately, I have been shocked by many things, but the static electric shock is the only one I ever feel! For lately, shocking is the silent word of the season, unless you are doing a Havels ad! Where its explicitly used multiple times. I love that ad though, and the new one too, not only does its about shock in real sense, and has shock element playing in background too! Not so shocking now that we have heard of Shiny Ahuja case.

Here is one:

Polo, Hole in mint ad has played around shock element too, the see through one.

Then its reality show, where in it is promoted as no acting done, everything real. What a boon for wanna be actors but lagging in one critical aspect, that is acting and one more: keeping a clean image!

It would not make it to news too, if it's not shocking, well breaking: It's said as if it will shock you! So even if its well known India would not qualify for soccer world cup, line would read: Breaking News: India did not Qualify. Duh!

Sleaze: Breaking News: Rakhi kissed by Mikha! For once, this did shock me! Now come on, why would any one want to kiss her?

Here is the only form of her that i like!

News papers are catching on, a normal accident story of two bikes makes it to front page, for it was between father and son, and unfortunately father died. That also proves: Like father like son: both were/are bad drivers. Well let the father RIP.

The last three letters of above para, just put RIP any where, except for the grave, where its obvious, and again the shock element is achieved.

Axe effect: Now why would a normal girl wear bikini in a town, in a middle of desert, not that I do not like it, but still! ( P.S. This was pointed out by my fiancée)

Then we have had Nithyananda (Meaning always in mood for some fun, if you knew the meaning, it does not sound that much of shocking!), those politicos: ones who let the police inspector die on road. Another baba involved in sex trade, what was his name, well what's in a name; specifically when diary contains thousands and nothing happens, next day he was having beer in a cup of chai, sorry #chai group on twitter.

Personal shock! I got featured in Pune Mirror! Of all the good tweets I tweet, about religion, peace, sports, social things, Politics, and not so god ones( as far as my parents would label them). I am thankful that it was not the latter one, still a tweet about Pune's day is fit for a picnic! WoW!

The first Indian topic to trend on twitter turned out to be the colour of your undies! Unfortunately this time TV news channels did not make much hay of it, may be cause it was preceded by Bra colours on Facebook!

Pune gets a blast! One lousy bomb goes off, and then its learned that bomb had to taste the patience of people for long time, how ignorant can people be, may be that innocent looking bag was not shocking enough! Hell, it was not, until it blew up.

Also, Sachin getting his Double in ODI! It had been so close but so far each time before, of all the innings I watched, and one day I dont, he shocks all, while me who was asking one from him, did not get to watch a single ball! Sachin! for me get one more, preferably on a Thursday, that's my off day! PLease! Pleazzzzzzzzzzzzzzze!

Sleaze! LSD= Love Sex aur Dhoka: Likely companion, those three words of each other, still it was "soooooo shocking"! Specially that poster of it!

Some one: Its not normal to design such a kind of poster! Its shocking!

What two pares of feet, for god's sake it can be father and daughter too, but LSD: those three words, give it, it's meaning!

P.S. The only shocking part as per Indian's would be, smaller sets of feet are above! Well does that not imply: Girl is taking initiative ;)

Have a shocking read! I am also using "!" to give shocking, some shocking effect!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Last Wish!

To night
under the moonlight
Sun shines for you
as Angels decent
Teary eyed
i hold your hand
as Angels decent
from heavens
i see you
for i hold
your hand
through the
last of your
oh! lord!
I cant let go
cant let go
not now
oh! God!
for once
only once
let me
over you
for once
only once
I wanna live
with her
all over
that i missed
i want to live again
to share them with her!
Or else,
just take me
along besides her,
I pray
teary eyed
as angels decent
through the sun shine
in this moon light
to night
oh! God!
Grant my last wish.

Some thoughts are just too scary to think about and not feel anything, and so do some sentences, stories and emails, can be emotional. One such story about how two people love each other but never tell, and then its too late. This poem is based on one such small story, and some otheer casual utterances.

Saturday, March 6, 2010


After joining a job, first thing that most people learn about is Stress, but most are not able to identify it as stress, so here are certain easy externally visible signs, which can be seen in mirror or if you see them on someone else, help them out.

  1. Messed Hair: as can be seen in display picture, most people end up touching their scalp, and messing up the hair style. You will have spikes without using any gel, which should lower the stress, because gel cost's a lot these days.

  1. Clothes: You dress up very well, impeccable, well ironed, and think you look very good in it. You would if it were not those colours. People under stress seem to lose sense of colour. For that well ironed dress will have Red trousers, Orange Shirt and Florescent Green. Not to forget they can be totally yesteryears fashion. Not to forget most common, noticeable, and oldest give away, an unmatched pair of socks.

  1. Hairs again? Well Beards, those joint eyebrows, what is waxing? These are small things, but they are a giveaway, not to forget nails. Well one way to see it is, you lose hair at top and grow it elsewhere.

  1. Black Eyes: No, no punching oneself, no dreams where in you kick your boss, they generally do not hurt you, unless you go and decide to live your dream, just that those black bags just below the eyes show up, and are really visible as if you are punched in the eye, not one but both.

  1. Pain: Yes Stress pains, over shoulders, joints, legs, everywhere you can imagine, and it's real. For boss, if your employee says his/her's nose/butt is paining believe it, s/he might be under stress.

  1. Itch: You can really get itchy, and it’s not irritation of skin, but of brain that itches more. One interesting thing I read is "You do not understand the importance of itch, until you get one that you cannot scratch." And Crotch is called so, because it needs scratch. Well you cannot go scratching in front of your colleagues and worst not in front of your boss and even more worst, it adds lot to your stress. If you believe it does not, just imagine the situation.

Well hope this helps you to identify stress.

Disclaimer: I am not by any chance an expert on stress, this was just a way of not labelling people Devdas or Pagla etc...... ;)